Are we on the way to becoming Superhumans?
Artificial Intelligence, Genetic Engineering and Bio-Technology
At one time or another, we’ve all wished that somehow we could change our human capabilities, whether it be ways to make the blind see again, get rid of diseases like cystic fibrosis, or simply just be taller or more athletic.
Those wild and crazy science fiction ideas may not be that far away. We could, in effect, become superhuman – and in the near future! At least so says David Broyles!
David Broyles is the Director of Special Activities and Intelligence Teams at CNA – the Center for Naval Analyses – a non-profit research and analysis organization in Washington, DC, charged with analyzing national security and public policy problems. He’s also the co-host of a weekly podcast called AI with AI.
David put out a study in December called “Superhumans: Implications of Genetic Engineering and human-centered Bio-Engineering” about recent advances in those fields and how they may affect the military – as well as regular shmoes like us.
We talk about how far we’ve come, how close we are, and what we can expect in the next 4-5 years. Plus – how Crispr is more than a knob on your toaster, and how ethics plays into all of this. If you are a Sci-Fi fan, or just have a fascination with the future – this is the interview for you!
Click on the player below to hear the chat with David Broyles and Pam
About David Broyles
David Broyles, Director, Special Activities & Intelligence Operations for the Center for Naval Analyses at CNA Corporation. He and his team focus on special operations, cyber operations, and intelligence, to include artificial intelligence and autonomy. He co-hosts a weekly podcast, AI with AI that explores the latest breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and autonomy and discusses the technological and military implications.
For more about David Broyles: Click here
For the report, Superhumans: Click here
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